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a piece of flesh
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A leopard doesn't change its spots
A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.
a little o the one with tother
a little one-on-one
a little southern romance
a loaded question
a lot
a lot riding on sth
a man is known by his friends
a man's word
a mensa et thoro
a piece of ass
A piece of cake
a piece of calico
a piece of dark meat
a piece of Eve's meat
a piece of goods
a piece of luggage
a piece of meat
a piece of mutton
a piece of patch
a piece of skirt
a piece of snatch
a piece of stray
a piece of stuff
a piece of tail
a poke in the whiskers
a poke through the whiskers
a posteriori
a proper bit of frock
a Pyrrhic victory
A little knowledge is a dangerous thing.
a little o the one with tother
a little one-on-one
a little southern romance
a loaded question
a lot
a lot riding on sth
a man is known by his friends
a man's word
a mensa et thoro
a piece of ass
A piece of cake
a piece of calico
a piece of dark meat
a piece of Eve's meat
a piece of flesh
a piece of fluffa piece of goods
a piece of luggage
a piece of meat
a piece of mutton
a piece of patch
a piece of skirt
a piece of snatch
a piece of stray
a piece of stuff
a piece of tail
a poke in the whiskers
a poke through the whiskers
a posteriori
a proper bit of frock
a Pyrrhic victory